FF181: Building Leaders That Create Compelling Work Environments with Barry Moulsdale

Barry Moulsdale joins us to chat about building leaders to learn the tools to a compelling environment that leads to employees feeling appreciated, be engaged and can’t wait to get back to the office and feel that energy that’s been missing in their lives. Barry formed Anfield Business Consultants to bring joy to people’s work lives and guide them on their journey to reach the pinnacle of leadership.

Highlights From This Episode:

  • We call it business culture and it really is compelling environments
  • Ultimately the environment is the responsibility of leadership
  • The shift in jobs recently and the shortage of service and skilled labour
  • Magic happens when leaders learn the tools to a compelling environment that leads to employees feeling appreciated
  • The best-case scenario to measure using a different mindset and creating a better environment is … sales and profits go up, employee engagement goes up exponentially and turnover almost entirely goes away

Links & Resources From This Episode:

Learn more:   Contact Barry Moulsdale

Resources:   ‘Good to Great’  Jim Collins

More About Barry Moulsdale

Barry Moulsdale is the Founder and Managing Partner of Anfield Business Consultants, one of the most professional organizations in the leadership development, career coaching and strategic business consulting fields.

Barry has 25+ years of leadership experience heading many divisions of multi-national consumer goods and manufacturing companies in North America. Having undergone his own successful leadership journey, Barry formed Anfield 16 years ago to bring joy to people’s work lives and guide them on their journey to reach the pinnacle of leadership.

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Val Low is a MAP IT Master & Brand Strategist and takes entrepreneurs to their next level of growth and impact. Through visual business mapping, Val works with entrepreneurs to take their dreams and business ideas out of their head and bring them to life. Val provides strategy on creating a message and brand to stand out in a noisy marketplace that people love to talk about.

Visit Val’s Website: https://vallow.me/

Connect with Val on Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/val-low

#entrepreneur  #business  #culture  #business environment  #leadership  #job shift  #engagement  #strategy  #communication
