In this episode, James Hipkin takes us on the customer journey of why the first purchase isn’t as important as the second purchase and building a customer relationship marketing program. Marketing is about who your ideal customer is and what’s their journey.
Highlights From This Episode:
- The 4 quadrants of your customer avatar
- Mapping your customer journey
- Shifting the tone of your communication to customers
- Building a customer relationship marketing program
- Micro transactions that build trust
Links & Resources From This Episode:
Entrepreneur Toolbox Where you’ll find all our podcast guest gifts
Quote: ‘Don’t try to boil the ocean’ James Hipkin
Learn more:
Resources: Six Seconds or Less Website Audit
More About James Hipkin
Over a 40 years career, James worked in marketing and advertising at a high level. Since 2010, he has built his clients’ businesses with digital marketing.
James is an accomplished, forward-thinking marketing professional. His clients included Sprint, Apple, Wells Fargo online bank, Nestlé, and Toyota. They appreciate his practical, no-nonsense approach. He has the scars and many stories to share.
His stories are always valuable and entertaining. His humor and infectious good-natured approach to marketing are fun and practical. But he never loses track of what’s important. Marketing, done well, creates value for customers as well as the business.
Awesome FREE Resources for YOU!
Entrepreneur Toolbox Special access to reports, books and resources provided to you as gifts from our podcast expert guests. This valuable information covers various business and life topics.
Power of 3 Daily Planner A one-page daily planner to keep you on track to reaching your goals and taking action on the important things in your business and life.
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Val Low is a MAP IT Master & Brand Strategist and takes entrepreneurs to their next level of growth and impact. Through visual business mapping, Val works with entrepreneurs to take their dreams and business ideas out of their head and bring them to life. Val provides strategy on creating a message and brand to stand out in a noisy marketplace that people love to talk about.
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