Avital Spivak, Tech Coach, shares with us how to untangle our tech. Avital warns that when you get a new tech tool know that you are marrying it and to think about it ahead of time and if it will play well with your other tools.
Highlights From This Episode:
- When you get a new tool tech tool know that you’re marrying it
- Think about the new tool ahead of time
- Make sure it plays well with your other tools
- Cover the four areas of technology with your tools: marketing, operations, sales and fulfillment
- Ask yourself questions and take a look at your system as a whole
Links & Resources From This Episode:
Learn more: https://www.linkedin.com/in/avitalspivak/
Resource: Stop Struggling with Tech
More About Avital Spivak
Avital Spivak is an online tech coach, educator, and computer engineer. For 15+ years, she has been breaking the myth that people who did not grow up with technology cannot get comfortable with it—at any age!
She is a martial artist, multilingual, and enjoys helping clients from everywhere around the world get unstuck with tech so they can make more money in their business…fast!
Awesome FREE Resources for YOU!
Entrepreneur Toolbox Special access to reports, books and resources provided to you as gifts from our podcast expert guests. This valuable information covers various business and life topics.
Power of 3 Daily Planner A one-page daily planner to keep you on track to reaching your goals and taking action on the important things in your business and life.
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Val Low is a MAP IT Master & Brand Strategist and takes entrepreneurs to their next level of growth and impact. Through visual business mapping, Val works with entrepreneurs to take their dreams and business ideas out of their head and bring them to life. Val provides strategy on creating a message and brand to stand out in a noisy marketplace that people love to talk about.
Visit Val’s Website: https://vallow.me/
Connect with Val on Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/val-low
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